My Blog

Self Acceptance vs Self-Help

Self Acceptance vs Self-Help

Grief is like a silent companion that lingers in the corners of our lives, often unnoticed until it demands our attention. It's a profound emotion that can't be neatly wrapped in words or easily understood by those who haven't experienced it. If you're reading this,...

Unraveling, You are Not Your Thoughts!

Unraveling, You are Not Your Thoughts!

It's interesting how our minds can be our greatest asset and obstacle. Like a never-ending river, our thoughts never stop flowing. Although they can be enlightening and imaginative, they can also be distressing, especially in difficult times. Grief can morph into many...

Embracing the Healing Journey: Nurturing Our Heart in Grief

Embracing the Healing Journey: Nurturing Our Heart in Grief

The pain you're feeling right now is unlike any other. Grief touches us in the deepest corners of our hearts, leaving an ache that words can't fully express. It's okay to feel lost, to feel overwhelmed, and even to feel angry. Your emotions are valid, and your journey...

Navigating Grief with Heartfelt Kindness

Navigating Grief with Heartfelt Kindness

The path of self-compassion is not mere self-indulgence but a courageous act of acknowledging our suffering with kindness and understanding. Grief is a silent companion and, in our most vulnerable moments, can leave us feeling adrift in a sea of emotions, desperately...

Tendrils of Hope

Tendrils of Hope

If your heart has ever ached as you have watched your child endure a terminal illness, you'll understand the depth of emotions accompanying such a journey. As a mother, I have been through the unimaginable, witnessing my oldest son navigate the treacherous waters of a...

Rediscovering Inner Peace

Rediscovering Inner Peace

Life has a peculiar way of taking us on a journey of highs and lows It's a rollercoaster ride, taking us through ups and downs that mold us into who we become. Amidst these twists and turns, we sometimes fall back into patterns that no longer serve us, especially...

Art of Kintsugi: Self-Love and Healing

Art of Kintsugi: Self-Love and Healing

"Driven by a deep desire to restore and rebuild, the individual gives new life to something precious that had been broken. In this way Kintsugi becomes a metaphor for the process of healing from loss; in essence, experiencing renewal and meaning through mending." It...

A Journey of Healing and Hope

A Journey of Healing and Hope

Do you find yourself lost in the storm of overwhelm, feeling as if your very core has been turned inside out? I know this feeling all too well, as it was not long ago when I was in the depths of anxiety and despair. Overwhelm was my constant companion, making every...

It’s the same but different

It’s the same but different

It's the same but different. Grief has a way of reshaping us, often leaving us forever changed. Altering us in ways we never thought possible. In the journey of life, we encounter various challenges that shape us and mold us. Yet, one of the most profound and...