Healing Heart

where love meets healing on your grief journey.


No one chooses to walk the path of grief, but you can choose someone to walk alongside you and help you navigate it. 

Hi! I’m Maria, a bereaved mom and a Grief Support Coach.

The passing of my oldest son pulled me into a world of despair, dealing with complex emotions and people wanting me to “get over it.”

But it’s not that simple.

Within the turbulence, I discovered a profound truth: It lasts longer than most people think, and it’s deeply personal and unique.

This sparked an unshakable purpose in me: to reshape how we perceive grief.

Drawing from my experience, I’ve crafted invaluable strategies and tools to navigate the grief journey.

As a grief coach, I aim to meet you where you are. Offering a safe space free from judgement to guide you toward your “pockets” of peace.

My Gift to you

Grief isn’t Something to be solved…..

Grief isn’t a problem to solve; it’s more like a life-altering surgery.

You are left with invisible scars—of a loss so profound it changes you completely. While some people may urge you to “get over it,” healing isn’t about forgetting.

I am here to support you in your grief journey. Whenever you’re ready, I want you to know that I’m here to help you find your path to peace and envision a future that honours both yourself and your loved one.

With love

1:1 Support Coaching

Our 20-minute chat is designed as an introductory session for individuals in search of support.

You’ll have the space to share your grief experience and evaluate our fit as a coach-to-client partnership.

A nominal fee of $15 is required.

Group Coaching

A safe space where you’re not alone in your journey. It’s not about “fixing” grief; it’s about embracing self-compassion and finding pockets of peace

This isn’t typical coaching. Your feelings matter deeply, your voice will be heard, and your pain is acknowledged.

Pockets of Peace Conversation

This is a space for anyone who has felt the heaviness of “what ifs,” “could’ve,” “should’ve,” “would have,” and “if only.”

Monthly conversations





Let’s Connect