My Blog

Navigating the Holiday Maze

Navigating the Holiday Maze

The holiday season, with its twinkling lights and Hallmark movies, often paints a portrait of joy and togetherness. But for many, especially those who have experienced loss, this time can feel like navigating through an intricate emotional labyrinth. Holidays magnify...

Compassionate Journey of Self-Expression

Compassionate Journey of Self-Expression

Grief isn't something that plays by any rules. I've walked through its winding paths, feeling the weight of loss pulling at my heart. It's a journey that feels isolating, like traversing a landscape nobody else truly understands. But I've discovered a powerful tool...

Navigating Difficult Emotions Through Body Wisdom

Navigating Difficult Emotions Through Body Wisdom

Have you ever felt an emotion so strong it seemed to reside within your body? It's as if anger, sadness, or anxiety is not just a mental state but a physical presence, coiling within your chest or tightening your throat. I've been there, too, grappling with these...

Protecting Your Peace of Mind: Boundaries Unleashed

Protecting Your Peace of Mind: Boundaries Unleashed

Safeguarding your emotional well-being is where personal boundaries come into play. We will explore personal boundaries and how they apply to the grieving journey. We'll also share some practical activities and exercises to help you set boundaries that protect your...

Unseen Struggles of Grief

Unseen Struggles of Grief

The above quote shares my sentiments; some things cannot be fixed; "they can only be carried."   Grief is one of those things. We may feel broken or shattered, yet we are not broken, nor do we need to be fixed. Navigating complex emotions can make anyone's world...

The Power of one word: NO

The Power of one word: NO

A word many of us often struggle to say - "NO." It's a simple two-letter word that carries a remarkable amount of weight when it comes to setting limits, establishing boundaries, and finding our inner strength. We don’t like to hear NO, but sometimes, NO is the right...

No Manual for Grief

No Manual for Grief

The Uncharted Journey No one wishes to embark on the journey of grief. It's a path we are forced to take when life takes an unexpected and devastating turn, and the world we know shatters into countless fragments. We are left to navigate a maze of emotions, memories,...

Finding Serenity Through Grounding

Finding Serenity Through Grounding

The thing about grief is that it doesn't discriminate; it touches each of us in its way. Whether you've lost a loved one, experienced a significant life change, or feel overwhelmed by the world's occurrences, know you're not alone in this journey. Grief can feel like...