My Blog

The Grief Journey: Navigating the Path to Healing

The Grief Journey: Navigating the Path to Healing

Will I ever get up without the heavy burden of grief in the mornings? It's a question that echoes through the silent chambers of your heart. A question that reverberates in the stillness of the night when the world sleeps, but your mind wrestles with the weight of...

The Journey to Freedom

The Journey to Freedom

After years of feeling numb and trapped in the aftermath of loss, I had a profound realization It's been over a decade since my oldest son Stefan, passed away, yet the pain at times still feels fresh, raw, and all-consuming. I've spent countless nights tossing and...

Unforgettable Echoes: the Timeless Bonds of Love

Unforgettable Echoes: the Timeless Bonds of Love

As I sit down to share my thoughts, I want you to know that this is a safe space—a space where the rawness of grief is acknowledged, and the complexities of loss are understood. If you've experienced the profound ache of losing a child, a part of your heart, your very...

Navigating the Unknown

Navigating the Unknown

In the web of grief, it's easy to find ourselves in the pursuit of fixing what feels broken. Yet, what if, instead of trying to mend the pieces, we allowed ourselves to sit with the discomfort and embrace our emotions with compassion? Let's face it - Grief is...

From Brokenness to Purpose:

From Brokenness to Purpose:

In the hushed corridors of loss, where pain echoes with each heartbeat, the grief journey began. It's a journey I never imagined, one thrust upon me when my oldest son passed away, leaving me feeling like the shattered pieces of a life once whole. Each day seemed an...

“Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda”

“Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda”

The "woulda, coulda, shoulda" weaves a web of illusions around our minds. The weight of guilt and self-judgment after the loss of a loved one with the haunting "would haves," "could haves," and "if only" echo in your thoughts, casting a shadow on the present moment....

Frozen Realities of Grief

Frozen Realities of Grief

In the quiet dance of snowflakes, there exists a subtle metaphor for the intricate complexities of grief. As the cold descends and blankets the world in a serene quietude, our lives, much like the city under a fresh layer of snow, can become frozen with the chilling...

Embracing Our Stories in Grief

Embracing Our Stories in Grief

“We all have our own story. And we stay attached to our story. This can stop us from growing and living. You wanna make your life better? Change your story, change your life.”Tony Robbins In the journey of life, our stories define us. They shape our perceptions,...

Finding Light Amidst Holiday Shadows

Finding Light Amidst Holiday Shadows

The holiday season can be a time of joy and celebration for many, but for those who are grieving the loss of a loved one, it can evoke a complex mix of emotions. The festive lights that illuminate streets and homes might seem to cast long shadows of the past, bringing...