When we think of grief, our minds often go straight to the loss of a loved one—the pain that cuts deep and feels impossible to bear. But grief is so much more than that; it’s a vast and intricate tapestry of emotions, encompassing many different kinds of loss.

The Loss of a Loved One

Losing someone dear to us shakes the very foundation of our world. It’s not just about missing them; it’s about losing the future we imagined together, the routines we shared, and a piece of who we are. Whether the tears flow freely or we’re caught in a numb silence, every emotion is valid in this journey.

The Loss of Self-Identity

Grief can also emerge from losing our sense of self—something often overlooked yet profoundly felt. Major life changes, aging, or health challenges can leave us mourning the person we once were, the roles we played, and the dreams we had. It’s a journey of rediscovering ourselves and finding our place anew.

The Loss of a Relationship

The end of a relationship is another form of grief, marked by the absence of companionship and shattered dreams. It’s also about losing the identity we had within that relationship, leaving us questioning our worth and rebuilding our lives from the ground up.

Pet Loss

For many, pets are cherished members of our families, offering unconditional love and companionship. Their loss is deeply felt, often overlooked by society but deserving of the same compassion as any other loss. It’s grieving a beloved friend and the comfort they brought into our lives.


Divorce isn’t just the end of a marriage; it’s the unravelling of shared dreams, stability, and sometimes, our entire social circle. It’s a loss that can be isolating, lacking the support given to other forms of grief, yet equally impactful on our sense of self and future.

The Loss of a Job

Losing a job isn’t just about income—it’s about losing purpose, routine, and connections. Our careers are often integral to our identity, and their loss can trigger feelings of inadequacy and uncertainty. It’s a journey of rediscovering our values and charting a new path forward.

 Navigating Secondary Losses

Each primary loss brings a ripple effect of secondary losses, adding layers of complexity to our grief. Whether it’s losing our home, our social circle, or our sense of security, these losses deepen our pain and challenge our healing journey.

Compassionate Support for Your Journey

In the labyrinth of grief, there’s no one-size-fits-all approach. What’s essential is recognizing and honouring every form of loss and the unique challenges it brings. Compassionate support and resources tailored to your specific journey are available to guide you in your grief journey.

For bereaved mothers, whether your loss is recent or years ago, I’m here to offer understanding, support, and a safe space to heal. You deserve to be seen, heard and acknowledged.